Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Writers Run the World

Let's start at the top of the pyramid:

World Leaders

Can you imagine rulers being nothing but babbling idiots, stumbling over thoughts, emotions and forgotten (or unknown) facts; all the while, filling in those moments with annoying verbal clutter?
Just think for a moment about those profound words Reagan gave after the Challenger blew up. Think about what Bush said after the attack via overtaken aircraft in 2001. Those profound speeches come from those little gems called Political Speechwriters.
An entire panel of speechwriters wrote this: Reagan 
Michael Gerson was the top writer for Bush during all Bush's 9-11 speeches.

Picture yourself in a world where no business advertises; Where even the Trumps do business solely by word of mouth. In this world you cannot use and online search engine to find a product or service, because there is no internet. You cannot read product reviews, you will never hear a jingle or see a commercial about a product or service, and you have to ask around town to find out who the best plumber is. Okay, so maybe a world like that would be simpler, but it would be a pain in the tuckus, and it would also be broke. Thanks to Advertising Writers, Website Content Writers and Computer Program Writers, anything we need is only a click away. 

Well someone has to write the school books right?
Scholarly Writers come in many types. There are researchers who not only write about what they discover but they have to do the leg work also. Those types of writers then have their writings put under the scrutiny of a board of scientist. Talk about self sacrificing hard workers! There are also writing panels/groups who have to write and agree what will be put into a book or article meant to be used in an educational setting.

Real quick name five types of entertainment that do not include writers. 
I can only think of sports, orchestras, and personal adventures. Books, magazines, movies, shows, music, stage (opera, musicals, plays), magazines, blogs (shameless plug), and video games all have Entertainment Writers.

So the next time you blink, think about all the writers you have to thank for making your like easier and more entertaining. :D